We’ve noticed a definite upswing in use of shrouds for burials, even when caskets are used. For the first decade of natural burials in NZ, we saw only one or two shrouds used a year. But public willingness and comfort…
Taupō’s Natural Burial zone formally certified
Joint Media Release by Natural Burials Organisation and Taupō District Council: 3 August 2021 Taupō’s Natural Burial zone formally certified A new natural burial zone recently opened by the Taupō District Council has now been certified by the Natural Burials…
Taupo Natural burial zone opening
Mark Blackham, of Natural Burials, will be speaking at a public meeting to open the Taupo Natural Burial zone, this Thursday – 17 June. 10am, 17th June 2021 Taupo Funeral Services, 117 Ricket Street
Whakatane Cemetery and funeral directors certified
We’re pleased to announce the certification by Natural Burials of the Hillcrest natural burial area in Whakatane, and certification of the Willetts Funeral Services to provide natural burials. The wonderful people at Whakatane District Council have created a lovely natural…
Whakatane natural cemetery
We’re in Whakatane on Monday 7th September to address a public meeting and talk with the council about their cemetery plans. Come along to the public meeting. 11am. War Memorial Hall. https://www.facebook.com/events/1329614447429673
New casket maker certified: Windsor
We welcome Windsor Industries to our family of casket makers with products that meet the Natural Burials standard. Windsor have embraced the environmental ethos whole-heartedly. We were impressed by their dedication to ensuring the background of all the components of…
Book update
For those waiting, our third reprint of the book is now printed and in stock. If you have been waiting, or have had a book or living will on order and have not yet received it, please email mark@naturalburials.co.nz.
Gisborne district / Tairawhiti
We now have a local natural burial advocacy group in the Gisborne / tairawhiti region. If you’d like to help them organise for a cemetery in the region get in touch with Nisbet Smith on 021 204 1080. Local groups…
Kiwis ahead of Italian designers
The natural burials concept touted by Italian designers on a tour of New Zealand arranged by the Italian Embassy, started here ten years ago, and the nation now has a dozen natural cemeteries. Mark Blackham, founder of the Natural Burials…
Why cremations are bad
Cremation turns your body into air pollution and barren ash. Studies of emissions reveal that cremation turns people into at least 46 different pollutants. Some of these, like nitrous oxides and heavy metals, remain in the atmosphere for up to…